Monday, December 9, 2013
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Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.
Our heart is like our "operating system". Much like your personal computer or your mobile phone, each one has an operating system which enables the device to work as it was created to function.
I like the "Easy To Read" bible version of this verse of scripture, "Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life".
What we believe will form how we function. If our heart (our belief system) understands that our Creator is a Loving Father who created us in His image and likeness, in order that we may experience the Life, the Peace, the Joy that He has in His Son and the Son has in the Father, we will operate in the design He purposed for us to experience. This is called the ZOE or GOD kind of life. That life was given us as a free gift...breathed into man at the time of creation...intended for us to experience for eternity.
Then the deceiver came along and told Eve that if she and Adam would eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they will be "like God". At this point, man had determined by eating of the forbidden fruit that he would experience the God kind of life by knowing good and evil...by knowing what is right and what is wrong,purposing in his heart to do what was right and avoid that which is wrong. Adam believed that he would be able to "perform" correctly and thus be like God.
In short, this belief is still prevalent in the church today. The enemy wants us to believe this so that our consciousness is focused on our sin...our performance... or our ability to do right and avoid wrong. But One greater than Adam came.....the last Adam Who would defeat death.....who would put an end to what Adam had done, forever defeating the law of sin consciousness by fulfilling the law on our behalf and thus establishing a new law....the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:2)
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.(Rom 5:19)
So, if we believe in our heart (our operating system) that God is love.....that He lures us into this ZOE life by His love, freely giving us the life He designed us to experience....a life filled with His peace......His Joy.... despite what circumstances may appear to say....if this is the design of our operating system, we will then be able to function as He designed us to function.
It is from this platform that His love will work in us and flow through us to a lost and dying world. This is the Good News that we are to preach to all the world! The news that One came to restore man to the operating system by which he was originally created. A system free from viruses....a system that includes " de-fragmentation software" which will sort out those fragments (pain, hurt, disappointment) accumulated in our hard drive by the experiences of this life and rearrange them into healthy segments that empower us to operate more efficiently.
His design is one where we can rest in Him...the True Developer of a life where we can fellowship with Him in the cool of the day...where we can tap into His unlimited potential by GRACE (by the Divine influence in our hearts).
So.....check your operating system.....what version are you running? The old version that says "By what I do, I will become" or the New Invitational Version that says, "By What He has done, I have become"!
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Love this, Jim! Thanks so much for tagging me, so I didn't miss it. HUGS!