Thursday, February 3, 2011

Salvation Unearned

In the second chapter of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul reveals that we have been saved by grace through faith. He goes on to say that this is a gift from God and it is not of our own works, lest anyone should boast. 

Salvation isn't something we is a gift from God...and it comes by way of His Grace or favor. Favor he bestows on us out of His love for us.

Many of us have no problem with receiving the gift of salvation-as it relates to the promise of eternal life but this is only one aspect of salvation. The word salvation in this passage is the Greek word "sozo" which means to deliver, to protect, to heal, preserve, make whole.  Every aspect of our being; our spirit, our body...every need we have is met through the shed blood of Jesus. He died to make us whole; whole in every area of our life...and this is a gift from God - it is not based on our works or our abilities.

But like any gift, we must "receive" it in order for us to benefit as recipients of such an awesome gift. One of the problems we face when it comes to "receiving" this gift is the fact that we don't feel worthy of such extravagance.  I'm not referring to money or wealth as the extravagance but the value of the gift itself.

Paul said, "while we were yet dead in our sins".  He said that God's favor was toward us while in this sinful, ungodly state. Paul went on to say that it isn't based on our works. In other words, there is nothing we did to deserve it.  Consequently, except denying Jesus as our Lord, there is nothing we can do to disqualify us from this gift.  All we need to do is simply receive Christ as our Lord and Savior and know that this salvation is meant to give us the victory in this life and for eternity.

The enemy of our souls doesn't want us to know this powerful truth because he doesn't want us walking in the divine gift, to its full, as Jesus has provided us.

We must understand that the same faith we exhibit in receiving eternal life through Christ is the same faith applied to all God's promises. And the most important part is that we cannot earn it. It isn't something we qualify for by our actions but are made available to us because of His action, having laid down His life for us.

Trust Christ today to deliver you; no matter what the need may be.

1 comment:

  1. To continue saying that your messages are spot on seems terribly redundant ... but true! Thank you, Jim, and please keep them coming: The message of Christ's indescribable gift.
